Instructional Design

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, New England Journal of Medicine Group, Area9 Learning


Instructional Design & Editing



"Area9 Learning is a physician-led company that has successfully partnered with NEJM Group since 2012 to provide the adaptive learning platform NEJM Knowledge+. Area9's founders and senior management team have more than 20 years of experience in research and development of advanced medical learning technologies. Prior to establishing Area9 in 2006, they spent a decade developing technologies that provided critical skills training for doctors and nurses. They then expanded to apply their unique learning expertise to diverse fields. In doing so, they pioneered the modern generation of adaptive learning technologies for adult learners.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) has been the most valued source of information for orthopaedic surgeons and researchers for over 125 years and is the gold standard in peer-reviewed scientific information in the field. A core journal and essential reading for general as well as specialist orthopaedic surgeons worldwide, JBJS publishes evidence-based research to enhance the quality of care for orthopaedic patients. Standards of excellence and high quality are maintained in everything we do, from the science of the content published to the customer service we provide. JBJS is an independent, non-profit journal." Continue reading on